Saturday, January 7, 2012

Probably the worst blog in history

A blog is supposed to be a web log of your "travels" or whatever you might want to call it. I have not been logging my travels very thoroughly at all. I actually forgot I even had a blog since my last post which is almost a year ago. That was until someone at work found my blog and asked me about it. Ooops. Anyway, a lot has happened since my last post, and I think there is more useful information in my brain this year than there was last year so I figured I'd go ahead and get started on this again.

Since I last wrote, I have started working as a Systems Administrator at a hosting company which has been a great experience thus far. Although I am responsible for both Windows and *nix, I've had the opportunity to work on my Linux skills quite a bit, and have taken quite a few new tools into my tool belt. I will be focusing on many of these tools in upcoming posts. I will also include some Windows goodies, but to be honest, the tools available in the Windows world are few and far between in comparison.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Getting ahead for this semester

I have been going to school for Network Administration for just over a year now, and we just ended the last semester where I covered XP Admin. In the new semester, we are going to get into db using MS Access and Server Administration using MS Server 2003. As such, I have decided to go ahead and create a virtual windows network on my home computer, which is of course linux. I am using Virtualbox (not OSE) with Guest Additions enabled for all applicable vboxes. I have 1 2003 Server and 3 XP machines. I installed xp on one vbox, and then simply copied the hdd for the other 2. I have changed my whole network to allow for a second subnet, and I am going to have the 3 xp machines ask for their ips from the windows server and manage that subnet that way.

Monday, March 15, 2010

No Use For a Title

So, to anyone who happens across this new blog of mine, allow me a small introduction before I get into the topic of todays post. First, I've never been a blogger before. It's never really been my thing to sit down and write something, and then put it on display for the world to see. I've read my share of posts, but I've never particularly followed one blog or another with any kind of real interest for more than a few posts. It's funny, because I work in front of a screen connected to the internet 24/7. Also, as anyone will tell you, I am a huge technophile. At any rate, since I have started school, and recently gotten a much more in your face plug into the social networks of the world with my Android phone, I've decided to take on blogging to see if maybe I can improve my written communication skills while also finding an outlet for some of the stuff that I shove on people around me who really just don't care. Chances are if you are reading this, you've stumbled upon it through some random search. I'm not looking for readers here, but everyone is more than welcome. Any comments are appreciated and will be handled appropriately, whether that be responding via email or whatever the case may be. That being said, I am now going to break this post into two, because my original intention was to discuss a completely different topic, but the back story has taken over and now I need a clean slate. My next post, expect to read a face to face comparison of Javascript and Flash, and their uses on the internet.

Friday, February 26, 2010

First Post

This is my first blog.  I started going to school recently, and one of my requirements is English composition 1.  It made me realize that writng really is something that I feel is integral to so many parts of life and often gets overlooked as simply part of the scenery.   I would like to use this blog as a way to keep my mind sharp amidst all of the chaotic goings on in my life at present.  Just so anyone who picks up my writings from here can understand, I am a self proclaimed nerd, so A majority of the content is more than likely going to focus on technology.  Having said that, I will also use this area for a place to rant, discuss pertinent current issues, like politics and econmics, and also to talk about schook or anthing else that may come to mind.  Hopefully the readers will enjoy this blog and discussions will be interesting.